This one speaks for itself.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
7 month birthday

India has just turned 7 months and we have found a solution to our technical difficulties:) Here are some pictures that we've been saving up for you. India is just never still...turn your back and she's across the room, under the bed, tangled in blankets, chewing on something.... She also loves to jump on the bed and is fearless when it comes to heights.
We love you and will see you soon!
Linwood, Sara, and India
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Technical Difficulties
Happy Fall!
We are so sorry for not posting for 2 weeks. We are having problems with our camera and haven't been able to get the pictures onto the computer. Luckily we have plenty in reserve to show you until we unveil the new ones:)
India continues to be such a joy. She is doing to army crawl to get where she wants to go. Still rocking on her hands and knees but hasn't made any forward movements that way. She is a pro at sitting up and can go from sitting to crawling. EVERYTHING is going in her mouth. She eats 3 meals a day of babyfood plus her milk. She experienced her first snow this season and didn't seem too bothered by the cold flakes. From the times she wakes up until the time she goes to bed she is laughing and talking and playing!
We're looking for some good babysitters so if any of you want to stop by you're always welcome:)
We love you and hope to be able to share our new pictures with you soon.
Linwood, Sara, and India
Friday, October 12, 2007
What a big girl!
India had her 6th month check up last week and she couldn't be healthier. She is now 16 1/2 pounds (which is average) and in the 80th percentile in height. Between that and her long fingers she is sure to be Daddy's little basketball player. In fact, this week she went to see her first basketball game, Daddy's! She was so excited and was jumping around watching the men bounce the balls. She was cheering her Daddy on too, guess we have a new activity for Tuesday nights. It was so cute!!
Everyday we watch her personality unfold even more. In the mornings she is just a ball of energy, talking up a storm and throwing her arms and legs all around. She is laughing constantly and making raspberries. Her latest foods are cantalope and cheerios. She doesn't have the "pincher thing" down to pick up the cheerios. She can pick them up with her fists though and we put one in her mouth every once in a while. She chews just like a grown up:) Dinnertime is the one time her temper unfolds. If she is not being fed faster enough or she wants more after the food is gone.
We miss you all and love you!
Linwood, Sara, and India
Everyday we watch her personality unfold even more. In the mornings she is just a ball of energy, talking up a storm and throwing her arms and legs all around. She is laughing constantly and making raspberries. Her latest foods are cantalope and cheerios. She doesn't have the "pincher thing" down to pick up the cheerios. She can pick them up with her fists though and we put one in her mouth every once in a while. She chews just like a grown up:) Dinnertime is the one time her temper unfolds. If she is not being fed faster enough or she wants more after the food is gone.
We miss you all and love you!
Linwood, Sara, and India
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Six months old
India Bianca Washington
6 months old
15 plus pounds (we'll find out exactly on Friday)
Objective: To eat, sleep, and play at will.
Experience: I have been a baby for 6 months and know how to get whatever I want from my parents and grandparents. They rub my feet, give me baths, and even feed me. Life is good!
Skills: I can squeal like a 16 year old girl, babble words that don't sound like my parents, roll from one side of the room to the other and in circles, sitting up while playing and talking, I can spread my toys all around the room, and I can rock on my hands and knees. I have moved forward by pushing with my legs but haven't quite mastered the arm/leg coordination of crawling.
If you are looking for someone with these skills and abilities, you can call my parents. They'll probably say "no" but you can call anyway.
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