Hello Everyone! It is only 3 weeks until my first birthday. I don't know what to expect but it sounds like a pretty big deal. I have been sick for the past week...just the sniffles until last night. I threw up everywhere! Don't worry, Mommy and Daddy were there to take good care of me. Daddy says that I'm a really good cuddler when I'm sick. Today I feel a little better. I don't want to eat or drink a lot but I'm not throwing up anymore.
Last weekend Mommy and Daddy took me for my first ride in the bike trailer. I cried the whole time. It's kind of scary. I overheard them saying that they were going to keep trying until I like it. Guess I better get over it pretty quick!
Mommy and Daddy are trying to get me to stop sucking on my fingers. They put socks or gloves on my hands for a few hours a day. I hate it! It makes me so mad when I can't get my fingers in my mouth! Of course after I start playing for a little while I forget about it.
I am not taking steps yet. I wish everyone would stop rushing me. I stand up not holding onto anything for a few seconds. I'm going at my own pace! If you talk to my Mommy and Daddy please tell them that.
I love you and miss you all very much!