We are all enjoying our day off together and the warm sunshine that has replaced Winter's bitter cold. The girls are taking a nap, Linwood is running errands, and I am wondering what I can put salsa and sour cream on. Have you ever gotten a craving for one thing and then realized you don't have its partner? I think Wheat Thins will do nicely.
The girls are suffering from colds that have them congested and coughing. Nothing seems to keep them down though! Linwood and I are enjoying the few extra minutes of snuggling time. They are playing together more and more and Jordyn even tried to climb on India's back this morning to get a horsey ride. SO CUTE!!!!
This is a really exciting week for us. Not only have we gottent o spend one extra day together as a family, we are registering India for preschool next year (CAN SHE REALLY BE THAT OLD?) and most exciting of all....We are scheduled to close on our house Wednesday. YAY!!!! We are so excited! That means that in just a few weeks our house will be packed up, moved, and unpacked again. Unbelievable.
Well, I must stop procrastinating and get packing while I still have some nap time left.
Love you all!