Just for fun I thought I would post top ten lists of little known facts about the girls. Feel free to post your top ten list in comments :)
Jordyn's List
1. She will try to say any word you say to her.
2. When she hurts herself she wants to bury her head in your shoulder and bite you and kick her feet.
3. She loves animals and makes a mean tiger growl.
4. She goes from laughing to a loud, high pitch scream immediately, there is no happy medium.
5. She eats a lot of what she likes and won't touch what she doesn't want.
6. She hates to have her face wiped and screams and wiggles the whole time.
7. She got her first set of molars before her third set of front teeth.
8. When she eats she likes to put her foot on the table. We are trying to break her of this habit before anyone notices.
9. She loves people and will cuddle with just about anyone.
10. She also flocks to cameras and loves saying "cheese" for the camera.
India's List
1. She still sucks the 2 middle fingers on her right hand.
2. She has way too much rhythm in her hips for a 3 year old.
3. Fish sticks have been the breakfast of choice for the past month.
4. She loves to help put the groceries away.
5. Her manners are so sweet...today I told her we were having a birthday lunch for her and she said, "Awww, thank you Mommy"
6. Of course she also told a little boy at the playground that he had a runny nose and he ran and told his dad.
7. She is a great (although bossy) little mommy to Jordyn and her friends.
8. After she is finished eating she loves to put her own plate in the sink.
9. If there are sweets around don't turn your back. She has been caught taking bites when no one is watching.
10. When we go places she needs to have her purse and cell phone.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Breakfast at the little table
"Say Cheese"
Trying to wash her hands by herself
Monkey Ball Toss
Pin the Tail on the Tiger
Goody Bags
Animal Picture Frames
The Jungle Cake
This was the scene in the house before India and Jordyn woke up from their naps...and before guests arrived. India was so excited we could barely get her to lay down for her nap.
India's Party
Sunday, March 21, 2010
First Day of Spring
Although the weather has been in the 50s and 60s all week, you would never know it on this first day of spring. I don't know if you can tell by the picture, but the 6 or so inches of snow we got yesterday is melting leaving behind icicles on the branches it is really pretty!
We tried our best to amuse ourselves inside....playing in our toybox, having snacks,and taking a bath in Mommy and Daddy's big tub. India wouldn't let us turn on the bubbles, "Nooooo, I'm afraid of the bubbles!" Of course we did anyway and she screamed while Jordyn laughed and said "Bubbles!"
We also made our first trip to the zoo this year, but Mommy forgot to put the memory card back into the camera. OOOOPPPPS!
One more week until Spring Break!!! YIPPPEEEE!!!!
"There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under heaven." Ecclesiastes 3:1
Safari Party
Everyone is welcome at India's 3rd Birthday party on Saturday March 27 at 3:00 PM. At her request we are doing an animal theme and she is SOOOOOO excited! What a great way to kick off our spring break.
"Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." Matthew 19:14
Friday, March 12, 2010
Spunky Jordyn
Jordyn has been a very eager potty goer. She is the first to come running when asked if anyone needs to go potty. She has had one success, but we are just so happy that she's interested. India has been a great teacher! I must say that the bathroom is an interesting place these days. India is dumping her little potty into the big potty all by herself. If this doesn't happen soon enough Jordyn is right there to help make a mess.
You turn your back for 10 seconds....
Fashion Expert
Tuesday, March 09, 2010
Party Girls
Jordyn posing for the camera
India playing the air guitar
Jordyn and Cousin Cenika
Over the past two weeks eating cake and ice cream and playing hard have become habits. That's right, 2 birthday parties in 2 weeks....it starts so early! Here are some shots of our future super stars in action.
Love you all!
Friday, March 05, 2010
My name is India
India is talking more everyday and you can actually have conversations with her now. A few weeks ago we were getting in the car after an outing at the mall and I told her that she was a cute as a bug. She answered me by saying, "I'm not a bug, I'm India, my name is India. There might be a bug in that car over there, or that truck. But I am not a bug. My name is India"
A similar situation happened at day care this week when her provider told her that she was the early bird and the early bird gets the worm. "I'm not a worm, I'm India."
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