Today was our first day off for summer vacation! YAY!!!! Unfortunately mom and the girls are feeling a little under the weather. We didn't let that stop us as we visited the zoo and the park. We didn't take pictures because being sick makes us cranky (Although there was one moment when the girls were playing on the couch and I told them how cute they looked. India said, "Well take a picture Mommy!" The camera is never there when you want it! You will see from another post that India is already a great photographer. She loves to play with the camera and we are amazed at how well they turn out.
Here are some pics of the girls new big girl beds. India is sleeping in hers but Jordyn is not quite ready to give up the safety and security of her crib.
If anyone has a few spare moments please stop by. Since the girls have little colds they are in need of a little extra love and cuddling!!
Love you!