Sunday, October 31, 2010

Fall Fest

This has been a very exciting week for the girls. They have gotten to wear their costumes on a few occasions and have had much more sugar than they are accustomed to. This weekend was beautiful in CO, 70s each day. We painted pumpkins and attended our church's Fall Fest Sunday night. The girls thought it was so silly that we were going to church twice in one day, but they loved it! Jordyn was walking up to people saying, "I'm a lion, ROARRRRR!"

Jordyn painting her pumpkin

India painting her pumpkin

India before putting her costume on

Jordyn before putting her costume on

The girls in their costumes

India balancing a marshmellow

Jordyn is not as excited about it

India trying to eat a donut with no hands

Jordyn with a little help from her hand

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Monday, October 11, 2010

Random Pictures

First Parent Teacher Conference

We met with India's preschool teacher today for a conference. It turns out she is the same sweet, delightful girl at school she is at home. Her teacher told us how caring and compassionate she is and how she is good at articulating her feelings. She said that she is doing very well for just being 3. She knows most of her letters and makes attempts to write her name. She is working on drawing people with the head and arms in the right place, holding her pencil(or marker) correctly, and using scissors. Our little sweetheart! We are so proud of her!