1. India has been taking medicine (which she does not like). Yesterday after giving her medicine she told me, "Here mom, now you take a bite of my butt and drink something" I made a face and told her I didn't want to, but she insisted I would be ok if I would just take a drink after eating something I didn't like. I obliged. Then she said, "Here's another bite mom." I told her I didn't want another bite and she said, "You have to take another bite, this is from the other cheek."
2. While at the park a lady said said to Jordyn "you have on a very pretty dress". Jordyn replied " thank you very much but I actually have on a skirt." :-)
3. India and was eating dinner on the porch at her little table. I asked what the birds were having for dinner. She thought for a second and said, "Bird seeds the same thing they ate for breakfast."
4. We are thankful for an extremely sturdy and resilent refrigerator as we find little girls scaling the inside to get what the want off the top shelf.
5. India was riding on my shoulders at the mall the other day and said, "Mom, put me down, I have to toot." She gets her manners from me :-)
6. Jordyn and I were playing and I gave her a kiss and said I love you pretty Jordyn; she replied " I love you too pretty daddy".
7. Jordyn's favorite things: the muffin man, reminding others to use their manners, singing, playing in water, finding treasure, playing outside, wearing skirts or dresses, Tai Kwon Do punches and kicks, walking in another direction from us in the mall and her daddy.
8. India's favorite things: playing in water, singing, dancing jumping, horse back rides, ice in her drinks, helping mom in the kitchen, superman, church, popcicles, and her daddy.
Chillin' by the pool
This is fun!
Fish Races
Learning how to be doctors
The doctors with their patients
Firefighter India
The crew
We hiked to the top of the mountain.
Jordyn's "game face"