Hope everyone is well! We had a great time dressing in costumes and going "Trunk or Treating." The girls got to dress up three separate days. India was Cinderella each time, but Jordyn wanted to change it up. The first day she was Ariel, then she was a Hippy, and on the third day she was a referree. The benefits of having a costume box! Jordyn is anxiously awaiting her birthday in a week and a half and is consumed with everything "Ariel." When we ask her what she wants for her birthday, she just says, "Cupcakes."
India is growing up so fast. The other night at dinner she told Linwood that he needed to buy her a car. When asked why she said, "Because next year I need to drive to Kindergarden." We laughed but she was totally serious....a sparkly car. She was disappointed to hear that she had to wait until she was 16 to get a car and drive.
The girls are also excited about their new baby cousins on the way. They are ready to spoil them. Jordyn even says that she will change diapers:-)
Playing in the car while Daddy cleans it.

Resting before "Trunk or Treating"


Jordyn roping a steer

Loving Daddy time!


Ready to go out and play

Jordyn at the park

India chasing Daddy with snow


Jordyn, our ballerina doing TaeKwonDo

India at her class