Jordyn feeding Jeremy
Handsome little man
Construction Workers
India feeding Jeremy
Having a slumber party with cousin Katelyn
Jordyn reading with Clyde before the others woke up.
Horsey Rides
Ring around the Rosie
"The Leaders"
Making cookies with Aunt Kathy
Aunt Adrienne and Aunt Kathy with the twins, Christopher and Melody
Jordyn sporting Grandpa's hat
The baby cousins
Watching the trail camera videos with Grandpa
Coloring with Gram
Making a house with Uncle Ed
Hanging out at Gram's house
Jordyn and Gram
Playing with cousins,Gloria and Allison
Acting Silly
Loving on Granny
Grandma and Jordyn
Putting together puzzles with Grandma
Ahhhh, finished!
Reading with Grandpa
Building houses
Lunch with Grandma, Grandpa, Granny, and Bill
Playing at Grandma and Grandpa's
Running to Grandpa's tree house
Hanging out in the tree house
"Look, I found the tractor Grandpa."
Bubbles are fun any time of year.
First Fastnachts to celebrate Fastnacht Day.
Yum! Thank you Grandma and Grandpa.