We finally got the girls scheduled for their first haircuts. They were sooooo excited to go to the salon and we knew it was overdue. They did great!! Jordyn is usually more tender headed and she said that it felt good. The really good news is that the stylist said that we were doing a great job taking care of their hair - it was moisturized and didn't have any breakages. Whew!
The weather has been absolutely beautiful here for a few weeks and even though March is statistically Colorado's snowiest month, we are claiming it!!! It is so fantastic to get to spend so much time outside. This weekend the girls helped Daddy wash the cars, went on a nature hike, rode bikes to the park, and went to the zoo. We don't have pictures of everything, but here are a few.
India and Jordyn got manicures and pedicures at their mommy's work last week. They picked out their own nail color, asked for little flowers, and enjoyed getting pampered. They won the hearts of everyone there. We love our little princesses!
We also enjoyed 70 degree weather the past two days. We are sooooo ready for spring! These thoughts will have to be placed on hold as there is snow coming in tonight and the high tomorrow is in the 30's.