Whew! It seems like I just cannot keep up with this blogging thing :-(. I guess the good news is that I have been spending so much time with my girls and taking care of my husband that the days are packed with fun and excitement and just flying by. We have been on summer vacation for 2 weeks now and it has been AWESOME!!!! The girls are taking swimming lessons, India is taking a pottery class, and Jordyn is taking piano lessons. In addition, Linwood injured his knee playing basketball on Memorial Day. It turns out that he tore his ACL and Meniscus and is in surgery as we speak. A sweet, sweet friend of ours is keeping the girls today and I have no doubt they are having a ball! That said, I have a few hours of time to catch up with you :-).
Digging through the photo archives on my phone my favorite ones were from a "camping" trip we took back in May. I say "camping" because we actually stayed in a one room cabin but since it didn't have a bathroom, water, or electricity I concluded that it counted as camping. We were in Glenwood Springs, CO and had the opportunity to hike up a mountain to a place called Hanging Lake. The trail was only 1 mile long but it was up a steep mountain and the last few hundred feet involved climbing up a rock wall. I had no idea how the girls would do but I was pleasantly surprised at what troopers they were! India almost ran up that mountain. She was right behind the leader of the group and didn't even want to stop and rest. When I told her that I was so proud of her determination, she said "Of course I never thought about giving up, Cousins Rock never gives up." (Cousins Rock is a group the girls have made with their cousin Cenika - I didn't realize it was as inspirational as it is.)
On the other hand, Jordyn could not be stopped coming down the mountain. I kept asking her to slow down so that she didn't trip and fall because the trail was rocky and full of tree roots. As I watched teenagers and adults slip and fall around us, my pleas fell on deaf ears. She could not be stopped!!
Here are some photos of our hike. I have no idea why they are sideways. They look normal on my computer. Help Techies!! We also got to swim in the Hot Springs Pool, but I didn't get pictures :-(.
At the sign before the hike. India did not want her picture taken that day. |
Starting the hike through Glenwood Canyon. |
Jordyn during the hike. |
Hanging Lake was waiting for us at the top! Breathtaking! |
The girls hiking behind the waterfall. |
There was another huge waterfall above Hanging Lake. |
Linwood and the girls behind the big waterfall. |
We ate at a pizza place that had pizza slices bigger than the girls' heads. They are still talking about it! |