Jordyn stacked a couple of pillows and lounged in the floor. All because India got her book first and beat her to the front room couch.
Sara hanging out with her friends during our summer block party. Sitting in the front yard with Marjorie, Jodi and Hannah.
India loves to climb trees and was willing to climb higher until we put the brakes on her.
This was a different looking bug on the sidewalk in front of the house after an afternoon walk. Does anyone recognize what type of bug this is with these huge antennas?
The girls getting their beauty rest and Jordyn is resting with her favorite game to play, a basketball.
Hiking with the family as Linwood and Jordyn stopped to pose for a picture.
Hanging out at Heaven Fest concert 2016. It's a beautiful evening and we are having a blast as a family listening to live music and enjoying good food.
A humming bird camping out in the hood so we had to take a picture.
Jordyn climbed up the tree too and posed like she does so well for the camera.
The girls hustling snow cones at the end of the block this summer. The 4 little ladies earned almost $15 a piece. So proud of them practicing for girl scout cookie time.
We found in the backyard a beautiful, hardworking hand with one of the pretty roses that bloomed in the yard during the summer of 2016.
Oh, yeah the girls asked Linwood to climb the tree too so he had to show them he could get up there too. I just love the family fun that we have.
We want to share a few pictures from our trip to Mexico. We had a blast and remembered just how much we love each other all over again.
India loves her little bear so much he gets to go for rides in the car.
Well it's that time of year again. India starting the 4th grade and Jordyn 2nd grade. We are so proud of them and they are blessed little girls.
India is growing a cabbage for a 3rd grade competition. Here cabbage now weighs 17 lbs and was to heavy for her to lift because of it's bulkiness.
The girls hanging out in the movie theater taking pictures with props before we get our popcorn and enjoy Pete's Dragon.
Yep getting the baby fix on with little Ellie. Eric's and Candance's 1 year old baby.
Dressing up in mommies clothes and posing for a picture.