having breakfast at a restaurant in NC. Sara is burned out from our long trip on the east coast. Linwood and the girls are plotting to see who's breakfast will get paid for.

Leaping in the pool at the hotel. Only a couple of days before we go home. Hallelujah!

Breakfast at the airport on our way back home from a great east coast trip. More shots from the water balloon fight with the adults and children on the block.

Hanging with family in NC and were never to old or good looking to get on the swings.

Jordyn enjoying her dyed hair. Thanks mom! Girls day at 7 Falls.

Linwood in the driveway this summer on his way to work this summer. Let's jump on daddy.

Play date with friends from daycare. This will always be a fun time and healthy friendship. Jordyn on the trampoline.

Girls at Garden of the gods park and pictures with Ali as we say good bye.

Good to see family together this summer at uncle Wallace house.

A fun hike together as the girls enjoyed summer camp.

Bye Bye ALI, Linwood decided he wanted to help fly on this day.

India at summer camp showing Linwood around.

Linwood in Portland this summer with his job. Tree was in a park across the street from his hotel, mountains are Mt St Helens and Mt Hood.

Girls posing on a Colorado hike.

Chocolate factory fun, DC tour, and many more memories from our summer. See you soon!
We love you!
Linwood, Sara, India and Jordyn