Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Coming Soon....Baby Gates

Just when we thought India couldn't get any cuter.... here we go again! Going to the babysitter has really helped her social skills, she's now talking to anything that smiles at her. Don't get it wrong, we're still her favorite people:)

The world of solid foods is very exciting...we've progressed from green beans to sweet potatoes, to peas, and now she is eating bananas. She loves bananas! The first night we fed them to her she ate almost an entire banana herself. Of course I should have been a better monitor because she ended up with a belly ache.

India's days consist of eating, drinking, rolling, sucking on her fingers and occassionally her thumb(somehow she found it without your help Gram:)), grabbing any and everything in front of her, skootching across the floor, reading, trying to eat books, and playing in the tub. She has almost mastered sitting up alone. Once she's up she always gets distracted, lunges for something that catches her eye, and falls over.

We love and miss you all. We don't have any big plans for this holiday weekend so feel free to stop by and visit:)

Linwood, Sara, and India


washington baby said...

Hello Washington Family,
Wow you sure are getting around. I see you talking to that "cow". Those sunglasses make you look so grown up. After while the little boys will be chasing you around. No wonder you're growing with all the new food you have been eating. Give Mommy and Daddy hugs and kisses for me. I love you lots and miss holding and playing with you. Keep on smiling and laughing. xoxoxo

gwen washington said...

No teasing, I wish I could stop by for a visit, but the beautifulllll pictures will satisfy me for now, I love em, ahhhhhh Love you all, Nana talks to her pictures all the time, (smiles)xoxoxo

gwen washington said...

Hi, I'm back. Can I have some of the last pictures to set on my table in the mail, gina said send her some too. please, please, please, please. love ya!!!!