Finally the summer has begun!! And boy are we busy! India has been helping Mommy clean around the house, helping Daddy work on projects, and playing with the neighbor. She has graduated to a "big girl" carseat and can now face front and see what's going on around her. She also has a "big girl" bed in her room now. We are hoping that she gradually gets used to it and wants to sleep in it. She is making gradual but consistent progress towards joining the rest of us walkers. She will stand up and take 5 or 6 steps before plopping back down. India wants to say "hi"....ds svssssssssssssssssssss N Z F a AaSHAR. All fun and games til she rips a key off.
Well, we must be going. Take care!
We love you and miss you!
Linwood, Sara, and India
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