We can officially say that the weight of parenting is falling upon us as we are beginning to realize that these little ones are soaking in everything that we do and say. One of India's favorite activities is putting on Mommy's sunglasses, grabbing her purse, baby, and waving "Bye" as she slides down the steps towards the door. She tries to put Daddy's wallet into her back pocket and her baby loves to go for rides in Jordyn's carseat. She's even learned how to dip her cookies in milk!!!
BIG NEWS: While we haven't jumped completely into potty training mode, we try to get India on the potty at least once per day and .... she has gone pee and had her first poop on the potty!!!! We are so proud of her and hopefully can ease on into full fledged potty training.
India has also just begun sleeping in her big girl bed. We took the side off of the crib so that she doesn't have a choice (and we can't give in and put her in her crib when she cries). It's only been 2 nights but we're making progress. On the first night she cried and kept climbing out. We were persistent and used Super Nanny's strategy of just putting her back in bed. Eventually the sleep monster won and she fell asleep. Last night she only wimpered a little bit and we thought she did excellent. When we checked on her a few hours later she was passed out on the floor hugging her blanket. It was soooo cute!!!
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