Jordyn is all smiles and giggles! This stage is so much fun because she is happy and smiling and still small enough to stay where you put her. We have a feeling that is all about to change as she has started rolling from her belly to her back. She hasn't quite mastered rolling from her back to her belly and usually prefers her side for hanging out and sleeping. Oh sleeping..... we have had to be creative to get some sleep and privacy of our own. You can see from the picture that we've resorted to putting her bouncy seat in her crib on a few occasions. Still, Jordyn is only sleeping 3 hours at a time. She is absolutely a daddy's girl just like her sister and goes wild when Linwood talks to her or kisses her. I think she gets more kisses than anyone in the family when you factor in how India showers her with hugs and kisses on an hourly basis. We Love You, Linwood, Sara, India, and Jordyn
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