Monday, June 29, 2009

Sleeping Beauty

Jordyn has taken to interesting sleep positions just like her big sister India. Unfortunately she is not sleeping through the night yet. At seven months we've decided to try to let her cry herself back to sleep. Who knows who will cry more, mommy or Jordyn.
We Love You,
Linwood, Sara, India, and Jordyn

Dance Class

Take a look at America's most recent rising star!

Monday, June 15, 2009

First words

As if my girl's weren't big enough daddy's girls, it seems like Jordyn has officially said her first word...."dada." She has actually been saying it for a long time but I just figured it was meaningless babble. Well, it appears that I was wrong. This past Sunday at church India and I went to pick up Jordyn from the nursery. When we got there one of the ladies was feeding her a bottle so we were just chatting and waiting. Linwood came into the room and India ran to him yelling "Daddy!!!" And wouldn't you know it, Jordyn spit her bottle out, tried to sit up and started yelling, "Dada, Dada!" Linwood didn't see this so I quickly snatched her up and whispered, "Mama,Mama,Mama...." in her ear the whole way to the car. I wasn't going to tell Linwood what had happened but I couldn't hold it in. You should have seen the smile that lit up his face and how he puffed his chest out. Of course it is no surprise to you that he has been rubbing it in ever since.

Love you all!

Monday, June 08, 2009

It's summertime...

...and the weather is cool and rainy. No, we haven't moved from Colorado. This is just one of those freak years where it is raining for at least 30 minutes everyday (at least it has for the past few weeks). It is beautifully green here but we are just dying to take the girls to the pool. Of course we can't complain. We don't want to make you non-teachers jealous, but being off is the best! We kicked off our vacation with a fun-filled week. India went to craft class. We visited the Children's Museum for their free day. This seemed like a great idea at the time but it turns out that "free day" is code for parent bully day. We witnessed some seemingly normal parents become possessed as they fought for a toy train for their kid. Luckily, when we were about to give up hope and make a break for the car we found a special area for newborns to 4 year olds. It was much less crowded and more fun. Alas, we will return for another free day. We also visited the Botanical Gardens (India's favorite part was the chickens and sheep)and Dinosaur Ridge (India's favorite part was the cows). You'll also see from the pictures that we made a house with a sunroof out of an old refrigerator box. It was fun for all! This week we start dance classes....wait until you see her cute outfit!

We Love You!
Linwood, Sara, India, and Jordyn