As if my girl's weren't big enough daddy's girls, it seems like Jordyn has officially said her first word...."dada." She has actually been saying it for a long time but I just figured it was meaningless babble. Well, it appears that I was wrong. This past Sunday at church India and I went to pick up Jordyn from the nursery. When we got there one of the ladies was feeding her a bottle so we were just chatting and waiting. Linwood came into the room and India ran to him yelling "Daddy!!!" And wouldn't you know it, Jordyn spit her bottle out, tried to sit up and started yelling, "Dada, Dada!" Linwood didn't see this so I quickly snatched her up and whispered, "Mama,Mama,Mama...." in her ear the whole way to the car. I wasn't going to tell Linwood what had happened but I couldn't hold it in. You should have seen the smile that lit up his face and how he puffed his chest out. Of course it is no surprise to you that he has been rubbing it in ever since.
Love you all!
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