In just a few short months it amazes me how much my little girls are growing up. Jordyn has gotten her first 2 teeth (bottom center) and has crawled for the first time. Of course, she still prefers her old method of "roll-n-scoot" to get where she wants to go. She is also able to stand up holding onto something or someone.
India gets taller by the day. She is a great big sister/little mommy. It is not uncommon to hear her say, "Mommy, J's crying, bottle please." I think that she is actually more anxious for Jordyn to be mobile than anyone else. Gentle is not a word I would use to describe her yanking Jordyn's arm saying "J walk, J walk." Hopefully they will remain great friends when Jordyn is walking and playing with India's toys.
Although it's cool and rainy in Colorado, I am relishing every second I get to spend at home with the family before returning to work. Two more weeks of play and fun!!
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