India in the Green wedding this summer.
...that's what our 2 little brave princesses are. Busted lips, bumped heads, twisted ankles are all par for the course. India is climbing up to the highest point in sight, turns around, smiles and takes a leap. Jordyn tries to follow suit but her little legs don't quite make it. However when she is helped up she smiles then dives to try to beat her sister to the ground. India's favorite word when she sees a high surface is jump daddy JUMP! Of course they get lessons on how to do this from the biggest kid in the house :-)
Jordyn is climbing up stairs and trying her hardest to be just like her big sister. India is becoming even more of a little mother trying to feed Jordyn and take care of her. Of course now that J is getting older she doesn't appreciate this forced helpfulness as much.
The girls are getting faster and more active. (We can no longer walk and keep up with India when she takes off running.) So....the pictures aren't that great this week. As soon as we call them they come full speed towards the camera; hence the close ups.
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