We have just arrived and India doesn't waste anytime catching her first fish.
India is ready with the net to scoop up the fish.
Aunt Adrienne with Jordyn.
Cousin Katelyn.
Jordyn and Grandma.
India at the playground.
India with Granny Zutell. The girls had a great time celebrating her birthday with her.
Looking at pictures with Grandma.
Jordyn teasing Grandpa in his hat.
The girls have arrived in VA.
Jordyn and Nana blowing bubbles.
India and Nana at Yorktown Beach.
Jordyn at the beach.
Playing in the sand at Yorktown Beach.
Enjoying a popsicle on Grandaddy and Grandma Stella's.
India swinging with Uncle Oneal.
Jordyn with Uncle Oneal and Grandma Stella.
Playing on Grandaddy and Grandma Stella's porch.
India with Uncle Oneal.
Grandaddy and Jordyn. They are always in motion.
India with Granny Green.
Coloring with Cousin Katelyn.
Playing at Aunt Kathy and Uncle John's house.
Jordyn with Grandma.
Aunt Kathy and Cousin Katelyn.
More fishing with Grandpa.
Playing Pooh Sticks on Grandma and Grandpa's bridge.
Future campers.
Grandpa, Uncle Ed, and Uncle Sam at the cookout.
Playing with Cousins Gloria and Katelyn.
Jordyn playing in the water.
Spoiling Cousin Katelyn.
Gram, Aunt Kathy, and Jordyn (Gram-can you believe this is my only pic of you? I was slacking!)
Cousin Allison at the fireworks.
Feeding the fish one final time with Grandpa.
India has become quite the professional fisherman.
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