Thursday, February 24, 2011

Weekend of Adventure

This past weekend India and Jordyn had nonstop fun! Friday night cousin Cenika came over for a sleepover. They ran and screamed and ran! Got out toys, put them away... Went to bed late, got up early, and praise the Lord took a long nap. It is such a joy to have Cenika over!!! Makes me look even more forward to the trip east this summer.

Dancing with Daddy

The 3 Girls

In the Car (India now uses a booster seat)

Jordyn climbing (yes that is her tongue sticking out)

Fruit Snacks at the Park

Jordyn playing

India climbing up the slide

India and Cenika

This popper thing provided tons of entertainment

The girls also got to go bowling for the first time. They had a blast! They got to use the nifty ramp and bumpers, although Jordyn preferred to roll the ball without it. We had to outlaw that after she created 2 obstacles for us on the lane. I am all about a challenge, but the bowling alley frowns at 3 balls on a lane at once. It was a fundraiser event so the girls got to meet some of the Broncos players and got some autographs. They are the Bronco fans of the family so it was fitting. Afterwards when we asked them what their favorite part was they said the pizza.......

Jordyn bowling

India bowling

Enjoying pizza

The girls with some of the Broncos players


Sharon said...

What a "purty" family you have!!! I love those smiles on those faces!!!

Sweet girl, thanks for posting the testimony of God's wonder on my page! What a story you have to tell! Thank you SO MUCH for sharing it!!!! May God continue to bless you mightily, dear friend! And blow your mind and your socks off with His GOoDness!

Washington Girls said...

Thank you Sharon! You are so sweet :-)