Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Spring Break/Nana's Visit/India's Birthday

Spring break has come and gone and we had a great time!!!! The week just flew by. Nana came to visit us, India had her birthday and party, and we took advantage of the beautiful weather by going to parks and sightseeing. Here are some pictures from our break :-)
Fun at a friend's birthday party

Jordyn pretending she was swimming in a pool of balls



Jordyn swimming

Look Grandma and Grandpa! India got her fishing and camping license at preschool.

India's birthday goodies from Preschool

Welcome to CO Nana!

Happy Birthday India! Had to start the day with a candle and ice cream.

Riding bikes

At the park

India helping to hand out her birthday cupcakes at our home celebration.

Swinging at City Park

India posing by the lake

Daddy pulling the wagon

India's Birthday Party at Chuck e Cheese.

Rainbow cupcakes with chocolate unicorns

Cold, snowy trip to Estes Park

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