Friday, December 19, 2008

Jingle Bells! Jingle Bells!

Life is crazy and hectic and wonderful here in Colorado. Linwood is really liking his new job where he gets to be a blessing to at-risk kids everyday. I am enjoying staying home with my girls, watching them grow and do new things everyday. India got a dancing Santa that she absolutely loves!!! (Must take after you Gram) She can watch him sing and dance for minutes at a time. Of course she tries to show him how to do her moves, both by example and trying to twist his body the way she thinks it should go. Jordyn is growing by leaps and bounds. They just don't stay little long. She is staying awake longer and is more alert. Ironically she's most calm when India is craziest, yelling and squealing in her face and grabbing at her. India is becoming quite the little Mommy. She feeds and burps her baby, wraps her in a blanket, carries her around by her leg, and tries to put clothes and diapers on her. We went to the Aquarium and had breakfast with Santa a few weeks ago. India liked Santa and his elves when they were swimming in the fish tank but she wasn't too sure in person. She might have stayed on his lap for 2 seconds:)
We love you all and miss you!
Linwood, Sara, India, and Jordyn

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Let it Snow! Let it Snow! Let it Snow!

The snow waited longer this year but it has finally begun. India put on her snowsuit and went out to play in it. Well kind of... she didn't know what to think. We look forward to taking her out again and going sledding with her. Nana Washington was here to visit this past week and spoiled the girls. They loved all of the extra visitors and attention they got.

India is getting to smart for her own good. This past weekend Linwood and I were in the kitchen. He was getting some eggnog and I asked him to only give it to India for a special treat because she hasn't wanted to drink her milk. India walked into the kitchen, pointed at me, and said "no." We laughed and laughed!!

Jordyn is growing, sleeping, and eating. She actually seems most at peace when the house is craziest (i.e. full of laughing, screaming, and all kinds of noise). We joke that this is her way of not feeling it when she gets squashed and pulled by her big sister.

Hope you all are doing well.
We Love You!
Linwood, Sara, India, and Jordyn

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Jordyn Linara

This first week of Jordyn's life has been full of excitement. Big sister India is adjusting well. She has given Jordyn lots of kisses and tried to pick her up and hug her. She has a baby doll of her own that gets fed and burped and she's tried to change it's diaper. Grandma and Grandpa Zutell were here to visit and none of us wanted them to leave! Thanks for all or your help G'ma and G'pa!!!!

Friday, November 21, 2008

New Arrival

The day has finally arrived for India to be a big sister! Jordyn Linara Washington was born at 1:41 PM on Wednesday, November 19, 2008. She was 7 pounds and 20 1/4 inches long. Here is a video of India meeting Jordyn for the first time.

Saturday, November 08, 2008

Any day now!

Written on Nov. 4:
On this historic evening of celebration for the next president of the United States, we are counting the days...or maybe the hours until the newest edition of our family arrives. According to our doctor's appointment this afternoon we are 4 cm dilated! The bags are almost packed and we are so excited with anticipation. India is still not sure what to think. When asked today if she was going to be a big sister she said "no." Of course that's been her favorite word lately:) We'll keep you posted.
Love you and miss you!
Linwood, Sara, and

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Big Sister In 4 Weeks!!!

The time is getting closer for India to be a big sister! We had a doctor's appt. this week and everything looks great with the baby. His or her head is down and we are 2 cm dilated and 50% effaced. Of course we found out with India that this doesn't mean anything about when the baby will arrive, but it's a good sign that my body is preparing for labor. Any progress now is less time it will take at the hospital.

India is enjoying her final days as an only child. She has been coloring, painting, playing in the leaves, playing at the park, going to the zoo, and can go up AND down the steps by herself now. You can also see from the picture below that she is perfecting her sign language (she is telling Daddy that she loves him). We have also been taking trips to the library. Her favorite book is a Dora book about being a big sister. She looks at it all the time but doesn't want any help reading it, she can do that on her own :)

We love you and miss you!
Linwood, Sara, and India

18 months

My parents say that in 49 days there will be another human being living in our house!! Lord knows we don't need more estrogen in this house!! So were hoping that India has a little brother. If not I guess God will have to have more mercy on daddy.

I was sick the last few days and no one got much sleep here because I wasn't going to be the only person awake when I won't feeling good.

I have a big girl bed in my room but I haven't been sleeping in it yet. I just hope they don't think I'm giving up my crib for someone we don't even know.


My favorite thing to do is get my books out and read. I like to dump all my blocks out on the floor to watch my dad step on them and yell "ouch!"

I can climb up and off of anything I choose. Playing in the dirt and with rocks are pretty fun too, they just don't taste good.

I give my friends high fives when I leave the day care because my dad says I can only kiss family till I'm 30.

Along with this new person coming to live with us I was told that family is coming to see us for the holidays, so I will be looking forward to seeing everyone!

We Love You bunches!!!

Linwood, Sara, and India

Sunday, September 07, 2008

More pics

How Long...

has it been since we've updated this webpage? Sorry for the delay. The past month has been full of excitement! Grandma and Grandpa Zutell came to visit. India had a wonderful time playing at her first parade. The bubble machine in the kid's area was by far the highlight. She ran around chasing the bubbles and laughing with all of the other kids, it was so cute! She continues to amaze us everyday with her knowledge and curiosity to learn. Just this morning we were getting ready to eat breakfast and say our grace. Normally we hold hands and bow our heads and India stares at us while she fights to gain possession of her hand back. This morning in the hustle and bustle of trying to get to church on time I just stood beside her and started to pray. She grabbed my hand, closed her eyes, and bowed her head. Reverence for God at 17 months old...proud parents!

We Love You!

Linwood, Sara, and India

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Summer 2008

It's been an exciting summer that is coming to a end. I'm taller now and seem to be much smarter. I can walk much better and even run if I wanna do something in a hurry. I can say words from shoe to fish and many others if you ask. I can also do some American Sign Lanquage words like more, please, no, yes, finish and thank you.

I'm only taking one nap a day like a big girl, however when mom's attitude comes out of me that will let you know if I need two naps.

I help in the garden, help dad wash the car and my dad is giving me driving lessons so I can drive myself to the pool next summer.

This new baby thing cracks me up especially when I poke him every morning before my mom picks me up out my crib. The thought of being a big sister sounds good, just know I don't plan on sharing my ice cream dates with my dad.

We love you, Linwood Sara and India

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Gymnastics Video

Today was the last gymnastics class for our little gymnist. I am not so sure about the coordination yet, but she definately has enough energy and spunk for us all!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Summer fun...having a blast!

Summer in Colorado is quickly coming to an end. We already return to school August 7, it just doesn't seem possible!!!! We are taking full advantage of our last few weeks....going to the aquarium, continuing with our swimming and gymnastics lessons, and fighting off naps to get in extra play time. India's new hobbies include throwing things (a skill she just realized she has), doing sommersaults off of her little chair, running, laughing, and ripping pages out of any book she can find. She is such a great baby who is already showing her kind heart and incredible love of people.

The new baby is also doing well, growing and getting more active everyday. There are 2 preggo pictures at 20 weeks and one at 23 1/2 weeks.

We love you!!!

Linwood, Sara, and India