Friday, July 26, 2013

Hello Again

Well Hello Again,
Logging on today feels like I am catching up with an old friend. I have been wondering for weeks what has been taking me so long and I really don't know. It's been the same way with phone calls....I think of you all the time but I cannot bring myself to pick up a phone. As I contemplate my lack of communication, I have come up with a few potential reasons:
1. I have been too busy living life to write about it.
2. Soooo many wonderful, exciting visits and happenings this summer that I feel like I cannot possibly capture them with words.
3. The task feels so big I don't know where to start.
4. Perhaps a bit of laziness.

Well, no more excuses, I AM BACK!
And I have missed you!
Prepare to be innundated.

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