Thursday, August 16, 2007

Wiggle Worm Washington

India has earned a new nickname, Wiggle Worm Washington. She seems to be constantly moving. She moves in her sleep, while she eats, as she plays,....all the time she is moving! We have found her sleeping with her arm hanging out of the crib. The other night we even found her with her legs hanging out the side of the crib. We couldn't resist taking a picture of this:)

India has also begun eating some baby foods. She started with cereal and this week she had her first real beans. She's not sure whether she likes them or not. You can see by her pictures that her initial reaction is not that pleasant. For some reason she keeps asking for more. What she really wants is food off of our plates. She is constantly grabbing at our plates and food. Sometimes Daddy gets weak and lets her have a handful.

All of this food has made India pretty strong. She can grab and lift just about anything. See her carry her playmat? These are all good signs for her becoming the basketball player her Daddy knows she will be.

We miss you all and love you even more,

Linwood, Sara, and India


gwen washington said...

That certainly is a cute smile, Nana loves it, she must be like her cousins sleeping all over the place, ahhh my daddy is making me put my own stuff away already, but I'm a big girl I can do it, and what in the world is this green stuff they are giving me? Big laughfrom the comment, For some reason she keeps asking for more. With my arms and legs hanging out I'm trying to get out of this thing, because Mommy and daddy's bed don't have these bars on it, (smiles). The four months old pictures are great, I ;ove the way she is paying attention while daddy reads to her... Love you all and MISS YOU EVERYDAY, Mom

washington baby said...

India you remind me of your Mother. Mommy was a wiggle worm too and was always on the move. Mommy did eat her vegetables and fruits though. We love you all! We can't believe how much India is growing. Hugs and Kisses, Grandma and Grandpa

washington baby said...

India you remind me of your Mother. Mommy was a wiggle worm too and was always on the move. Mommy did eat her vegetables and fruits though. We love you all! We can't believe how much India is growing. Hugs and Kisses, Grandma and Grandpa